Medifast Day 1

Today was Day 1 back on Medifast and, although it's not quite over yet, it has gone well!  As I said before, I will not be getting my shipment of food until Wednesday so I'm stuck having Medifast shakes for every Medifast meal until then.  I do love the shakes, but five times a day gets a little old!  Here's the shake:

I love the French Vanilla and Dutch Chocolate shakes, and can tolerate the Banana and Strawberry ones.  I absolutely have to make them in the blender, though!  I put 5-6 ice cubes and one cup of water in the blender with one pack of shake mix and blend until the ice is completely smooth.  It usually takes about a minute. 

Medifast has what's called the 5&1 plan.  I eat 5 of their products a day and then one "lean and green" meal.  The lean and green meal can be divided in any way during the day.  It consists of protein, 3 green vegetable servings, and then 0-2 servings of healthy fat depending on which protein I chose to eat.  It usually ends up feeling like a TON of food!

After purging my refrigerator, freezer, and pantry this morning, I had to head to the grocery store.  I had an important first today---I actually used reusable bags instead of getting plastic ones at the store!!  I really enjoyed how much easier it is to carry in the groceries in these bags.  I felt really dumb taking this picture in the parking lot:
BUT, I was so proud of myself for doing something good for the environment!!

Last time that I did Medifast, I was really mad at myself for not taking before pictures so that I could compare my after look.  Well, I remembered this time around!  I had Cadence take these pictures for me (which explains why I'm in her playroom!):

I cannot believe how much weight I have gained, but at least I feel better knowing that I am back on track to lose it.  Medifast recommends waiting for a couple of weeks to begin exercising with the program if you haven't already been exercising consistently.  So, I will just be doing the diet program for now. 

Now to show some cute pictures to get those images out of your mind!  Mason, Cadence, and I have season tickets to the Atlanta Falcons.  I thought I would show much Cadence grew in a year--first a picture of her last year and then just a couple of weeks ago!

My baby has grown so much!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Year's!  Who knows if I will even still be awake at midnight!

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